Health, Safety and Environment

It is this organisation’s policy that each of its workers shall be provided with a safe and healthy place in which to work, and that our work practices will not compromise the health or safety of others present at the workplace, for example, visitors or other non-employees.

To achieve this policy, management will make every reasonable effort in the area of hazard identification, risk assessment and control, as well as health preservation and promotion.

These aspects of working conditions will be given top priority in company plans, procedures, programs and job instructions.

In conjunction with this policy, a series of programs, procedures and rules on specific individual health and safety matters will be prepared and issued.

Health and safety at work is both an individual and shared responsibility of all workers.

The following areas of responsibility are essential to the success of the policy:

  1. Senior Management is required to actively pursue the goals of this policy through the following approaches:
  2. Devising and administering a comprehensive health and safety risk management program
  3. Holding regular meetings to discuss health and safety performance, and
  4. Taking effective action to provide and maintain safe and healthy working conditions for all workers and others affected by the organisation’s undertaking.
  5. Senior Management/Supervisor will be held accountable for working conditions under their control and for the extent of information, instruction, training and supervision given on safety and health matters to workers. They are to provide the initiative and the follow up action to maintain this policy within the company.
  6. All workers share responsibility for their own safety and that of their co-workers and others affected by work practices. The success of this organisation’s health and safety program rests on the willingness of everyone to cooperate and work collectively so as to eliminate and control health and safety risks.